About Us

Woburn Street Elementary School

Grades 1-3
Woburn Street Elementary
Principal: Ms. Stacey Scott
227 Woburn Street
Wilmington, MA 01887
School Hours: 9:05 a.m. to 3:25 p.m.
Early Dismissal Time: 12:20 p.m.


At the Woburn Street School we believe that ALL students are capable of learning and achieving to their full potential when provided with the appropriate tools and support. We believe that all children are unique and curious individuals who learn and show what they learn in different ways. They all have a desire to learn and be successful.

The Woburn Street School is a caring community consisting of 22 classrooms serving students in first, second and third grade. We recruit and retain highly qualified teachers and support staff who provide a wide range of special education and support services. Students also participate in physical education, art, health and music classes during the school day and an extended day program is offered both before and after school.

The staff at the Woburn Street School keep current with educational research and best practices in order to provide individual learning experiences for all of our students. We strive to implement an inclusionary model of instruction designed to support all students regardless of any academic, behavioral or linguistic challenges they may have. We utilize a variety of curriculum tools including Reader's Workshop, Envisions Math as well as Elevate science program. Woburn Street School also provides students with unique learning opportunities by providing all students with access to Chromebooks. We  also utilize Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) protocols to support each student with any social or emotional challenges they may face. In 2022 we began using the MARC bullying prevention program in all of our classrooms.

At the Woburn Street School we believe in building strong partnerships with families. Parents and guardians play a very important role at the Woburn Street School and many participation in our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) and School Advisory Committee (SAC) as well as volunteering for school and classroom activities. Our PAC generously provides meaningful opportunities for parents to participate in school activities, as well as fundraising efforts to expand students' enrichment and curriculum experiences.

Woburn Street Elementary School 2022 School Report Card
